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River flow 2012

River flow 2012

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Rivers are complex entities. In addition to being valuable habitats for wildlife, they support human activities by providing water for human use, renewable energy and convenient transportation. Rivers can also pose threats to riverine communities, in the form of floods and other natural or human-induced hazards.

Contemporary societies recognize their responsibility to ensure the sustainable use of rivers and to preserve the intrinsic ecological and landscape values ​​of the river. This commitment often conflicts with economic exploitation of the river and with concerns for risk management. As a discipline, river hydraulics makes a significant contribution to the development of sustainable river use strategies by providing new modeling tools and engineering techniques based on advances in phenomenological understanding and computational modeling.

River Flow 2012 is the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on River Hydraulics, organized under the auspices of the River Hydraulics Committee of the International Association for Hydrological Engineering and Research (IAHR). The book addresses issues such as river hydrodynamics, morphodynamics and sediment transport. Other contributions describe interdisciplinary approaches and experiences, particularly in relation to cross-cutting activities involving environmental science and information technology. River Flow 2012 contains the latest theoretical achievements, numerical developments, experimental investigations, and field studies in river hydraulics. It is an excellent resource for researchers, civil and environmental engineers, and practitioners in river-related disciplines.

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Volume 1


Performance Review of the Jamuna Bridge River Training Works 1997-2009
J. G. Claassen, H. van Duyvendijk and M. H. Sarker

Fluorine Impact on Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands
J. M. E. Perillo

Problems and Research in Environmental Hydraulics and Environmental Sedimentation
Z. Y. Wang and M. Xu

A. Hydrodynamics of Rivers

A.1 Turbulent Open Channel Flow and Sediment Transport

Numerical Investigation of Flow Structure and Shear Stress over Stationary Sand Dunes
S. Attar and S. S. Lee

Similarities and Differences in Shallow River Mixing Layers
A. Dowdell, J. D. Shooksmith and W. Brevis

Three-dimensional Flow Structure in a Sandy Stream with Riparian Vegetation
S. Jurek and J. F. Rodriguez

Exchanges between river flow and its side basins
S. Karimpour Ghanadi and F. H. Cho

Calculations of unsteady river flows around a bridge pier using a shallow multilevel network model
E. Kimura, S. Saito, and Y. Shimizu

Effect of slope body wake structure on preferred fish holding sites
R. W. J. Lacy and J. L. van Leeuwen

Variation of turbulence in a complex meandering channel
E. Mira, M. J. Franca, G. Anta, and E. Peña

Visualization of variability in the normality of the turbulent velocity field
E. Nichols and S. J. El-Raei

Average flow field around a large boulder within a fully submerged large boulder cluster
T. Papanicolaou, A. G. Tsakiris, and C. M. Kramer

Moments of higher-order velocity fluctuations in open-channel flow with moving bedforms
H. Prashanth Reddy, V. Roussinova, R. Balachandar, and T. Bolisetti

Calculations on complex meandering channel flows using the 3D URANS model 1
R. Shimada, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu, and R. Inoue

Bursting motion and flow in natural streams
A.N. Sukhodolov and V.I. Nikora

A.2 Flow resistance and bed roughness

Numerical modeling of rapidly changing flow over dam-like obstacles during high water stages
S. Ali and W.S.J. Uijttewaal & I. Kimura

Shock wave/boundary layer interaction in hydraulic jumps in very large channels
M. Ben Meftah, F. De Serio & M. Mossa

Two-dimensional numerical modeling of water flow over a gravel strip
M. Jaballah, B. Camenen, A. Paquier & M. Jodeau

High friction and bottom load transport: the effect of concentration
V. Matoušek & J. Krupiˇcka

Combining a dune roughness model with a large-scale flow model
A.J. Paarlberg & R.M.J. Schielen

Modeling the effect of aquatic vegetation patches on river flow
P. Rameshwaran & P.S. Naden

Turbulence characteristics of rough open channel flow subjected to bottom injection
V. Roussinova & R. Balachandar

Simulation of hydraulic resistance in a steep mountain stream
T.Wang & V.H. Chou

Bed profile evolution under varying discharges, drainage channel versus field
J. J. Warminck, C. M. Dohmen-Jansen and R. M. J. Schellen

A.3 Overbank flows and vegetation

Experimental study of drag forces acting on flexible vegetation
J. Aberle and A. Dietrich

Numerical modeling of overbank flood routing
J. B. April, M. S. Altinakar and Y. Jia

Vegetation influence on the turbulent field of complex channels
R. Azevedo, J. B. Leal and L. Rojas-Solorzano

Flow in inclined complex channels with rough floodplains
D. Bosmar, T. Jacquemin, S. Weissor and S. van Emelen

Flow through a porous cylinder
K. S. Chang and G. Constantinescu

Vegetation flows: drag force and velocity profiles of foliage vegetation assemblages
J. Galonin, J. Jarvella and G. Abberley

Turbulent flows in an open complex channel with emergent vegetation
Y. Kawahara, F. Jara and F. Hasegawa

Errors in 2D modeling using 0-degree turbulence closure for complex channel flows
F. Linde, A. Paquier, S. Prost and Y. Pelletier

Energy dissipation of flows in vegetated patches with spatially varying stem density
A. M. Ricardo, M. J. Franca, A. Schleiss and R. M. L. Ferreira

Modeling of vegetated rivers for in- and overbank flows
K. Shiono, M. Takeda, K. Yang, Y. Sugihara and T. Ishigaki

Unsteady flow in a natural complex channel: experiment and simulation
F. J. M. Simões & P. ​​J. Kinzel

Dynamics of turbulent flow along and behind vegetated patches: field experiments
T. A. Sukhodolova & A.N. Sukhodolov

Local erosion and deposition characteristics in a vegetated patch
H. Suk Kim, I. Kimura & Y. Shimizu

Gravity flow propagation in a water canopy: insights from large eddy simulations
A. Yuksel Ozan, G. Constantinescu & T. Tokyo

Application of porous media approach to vegetation flow resistance
P. Zinke

A.4 Unsteady open channel flow and dam breach

Turbulence measurements in dam breach flows
R. Aleixo, Y. Zech & S. Soares-Frazão

Two-dimensional simulation of hydrodynamic dam breach on the Camo River, Dominican Republic
E. James Nelson & R. Jones

Submerged and unsubmerged flow through dam breach
S. Karimpour Ghannadi & V.H. Chu

A.5 Interaction with structures

Erosion around a variable immersed fork in a gravel stream
F. Bressan and A.N. Thanos Papanicolaou

Hydrodynamic and morphological tracking of the development of an erosion pit connected to a channel
H.-C. Hu, A. Firouzfar and M. Musti

Urban flood modeling using a porosity model: directional effects
M. Veljkovic, 

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